John MacLean Photography, Isle of Lewis, 19/11/12
Below is a link to the installation photography done on Helen MacAlister’s recent exhibition “At the Foot o’ Yon Excellin’ Brae” at An Lanntair, Stornoway.
(PDF file, 4.4 MB, pages 11-47)
This is (part of) the most complex installation photography job I’ve done to date in An Lanntair, but well worth it in the end!
Installation photography (opens in a new window, or right-click and save)
By John MacLean, 23/08/11:
The Faclan Book Festival, themed on second sight and the supernatural, is happening 27th to 29th October at An Lanntair, Stornoway and other venues in Lewis, Harris, Uist, Benbecula and Barra.